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In this study, researchers evaluated the long-term impact (over a total period of 10 years) of breast cancer and its treatment on bone mineral density, particularly after discontinuation of treatment with an aromatase inhibitor. A total of 372 patients with pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer were included in the study. Discontinuation of the aromatase inhibitor at 5 years had a significant impact on bone mineral density. Bone mineral density increased in patients weaned off the aromatase inhibitor during the first 5 years, while a decrease in bone mineral density was observed in patients without aromatase inhibitor weaning.

Source(s) :
Carl Blomqvist et al. Long-term effects of aromatase inhibitor withdrawal on bone mineral density in early breast cancer patients: 10-year follow-up results of the BREX study. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2024 Apr 1 ;

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