First steps with MedflixS®
Have you already signed up and logged in? MedflixS® only makes its content available to community members. All healthcare professionals are invited to join us, whether they are physicians, pharmacists, midwives, physiotherapists, dentists, nurses, speech-language pathologists, students, etc. When signing up, you will be asked to specify your specialty in order to give you direct access to personalised content.
Why MedflixS®? MedflixS® regroups and offers a plethora of videos dedicated to medicine and healthcare. With an interactive and smooth browsing experience, you can move from one conference to another very easily as well as target a topic, or browse through the videos we have on offer in our library.
MedflixS® invites you to review and debate through comments. A moderator will be responsible for removing insults, offensive or degrading comments towards anyone. Each member may also give a score to a displayed video. We also encourage you to share your comments, desires or suggestions to our team via the "Contact" section.