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Metformin to reduce the risk of dementia

Endocrinology and Metabolism

Epidemiological studies have suggested a possible link between metformin and the risk of dementia, but these studies had methodological biases. In this study, Canadian researchers conducted a new investigation into this potential link. A total of 34,700 subjects diagnosed with diabetes were followed for a median period of 6.77 years. Early initiation of metformin (within 180 days of diabetes diagnosis) showed no association with the risk of dementia (Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias) compared to later initiation of the drug or the absence of hypoglycemic treatment.

Source(s) :
Che-Yuan Wu et al. No association between metformin initiation and incident dementia in older adults newly diagnosed with diabetes. J Intern Med. 2023 Sep 25. ;

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