Comparative effects of different drugs for the acute management of migraine episodes in adults: systematic review and network meta-analysis
Results: 137 randomised controlled trials involving 89,445 participants allocated to one of the 17 compounds or placebo were included. All compounds showed superior efficacy to placebo for pain relief at 2 hours (odds ratios ranging from 1.73 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.27 to 2.34) for naratriptan to 5.19 (4, 25 to 6.33) for eletriptan), and most of them also for maintaining pain relief after 24 hours (odds ratios from 1.71 (1.07 to 2.74) for celecoxib to 7.58 (2.58 to 22.27) for ibuprofen). In direct comparisons between active molecules, eletriptan was the most effective drug in relieving pain after two hours (odds ratios from 1.46 (1.18 to 1.81) to 3.01 (2.13 to 4.25)), followed by rizatrix (2.13 to 4.25) and ibuprofen. 25)), followed by rizatriptan (1.59 (1.18 to 2.17) to 2.44 (1.75 to 3.45)), sumatriptan (1.35 (1.03 to 1.75) to 2.04 (1.49 to 2.86)) and zolmitriptan (1.47 (1.04 to 2.08) to 1.96 (1.39 to 2.86)). For lasting pain relief, the most effective molecules were eletriptan and ibuprofen (odds ratios from 1.41 (1.02 to 1.93) to 4.82 (1.31 to 17.67)). Confidence in CINeMA ranged from high to very low. Sensitivity analyses looking only at Food and Drug Administration-approved doses, high versus low doses, risk of bias, and moderate to severe headache at baseline confirmed the main findings for the primary and secondary endpoints.
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