The Annual Congress of The South African Thoracic Society-SATS 2022

The Annual Congress of The South African Thoracic Society-SATS 2022

congress program

Location : Le Cap

Country : South Africa

Language : ENG

Start :

End :

Specialities : Cardiology And Vascular Medicine

It is with great pleasure that we present the annual congress of the South African Thoracic Society, SATS2022. The SATS Congress represents the pinnacle of thoracic medicine in Africa, attended each year by hundreds of delegates, from all areas of thoracic medicine across Africa. SATS2022 will feature international and local experts in plenary and parallel sessions, focusing on critical care, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory infections, interstitial lung disease, lung transplantation, lung cancer, asthma, COPD and many other respiratory topics.

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