Professional Module level 1-2018

Professional Module level 1-2018

congress program

Location : Paris

Country : France

Language : FR

Start :

End :

Specialities : Radiodiagnostics And Medical Imaging

Radiology teachers provide teaching of radiology and medical imaging for many audiences: • For medical students in the first and second cycle of health studies (DFGSM and DFASM)
• For interns in the postgraduate medical studies of Radiology-medical imaging (DES)
 This part of the site includes information on the model and objectives of the teachings of Des, and links to the pedagogical contents of the national modules (availability of online courses, with those of the current year and the archives of the years Previous).
• For foreign students who specialize in radiology (AFS and AFSA)
• For interns of other medical or surgical specialties
• Finally, for students of many university and inter-university degrees (from and IUDs)

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