EURORDIS Membership Meeting - EMM 2023

congress program
Location : Stockholm
Country : Sweden
Language : ENG
Start :
End :
Specialities : Internal Medicine , Medical Genetics , Nephrology
This year’s EMM comes at a critical time for Europe, as EU institutions revise milestone legislation for rare diseases – on pharmaceutics and paediatrics – and pave the way for new legislative frameworks, including the European Health Data Space and the European Strategy on Mental Health.
The Membership Meeting’s programme will focus on the most relevant and cutting-edge issues impacting the lives of the 30 million Europeans living with a rare disease and their families, including digital safety and literacy, mental well-being, the role of digital healthcare and associated opportunities and risks, and disability recognition.
Throughout the three-day programme, we will feature EMM’s hallmark “Lifelong holistic approach and full inclusion in society“, workshop and networking moderated sessions.
Attendees will benefit from excellent networking opportunities and knowledge exchange with their peers.
Selected conferences
International Conference On Public Health and Medical Science (ICPHAMS-2024) Doha, Qatar

- Date : 2024-11-24
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