EULAR 2024 - Annual European Congress of Rheumatology

EULAR 2024 - Annual European Congress of Rheumatology

congress program

Location : Vienne

Country : Austria

Language : ENG

Start :

End :

Specialities : Rhumatology

At the heart of EULAR's remarkable endeavours, the EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology stands as our flagship event, delivering an unparalleled experience year after year. Our Congress brings together a vast network of patients, health professionals, rheumatologists and industry partners dedicated to highlighting the latest scientific breakthroughs in clinical, translational, and basic research. It serves as a platform for discussing new developments and management of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). Furthermore, the Congress focuses on bridging the gap between diagnosis and patient care and explores practical aspects of the rheumatology field through specialised workshops, presentations, and discussions. 

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