GEM congress 2019
congress program
Several actions are to be promoted for this congress: 1. The white paper of the surgery of the hand, published by the FESUM, makes the inventory of the urgencies of the hand, 20 years after the 1st edition. Do not hesitate to send it to your guardians! 2. The establishment of the FST. To receive interns in your hospitals and clinics. 3. CPD is an obligation.
Selected conferences
Congrès Annuel de la Société Américaine de Chirurgie Dermatologique – ASDS 2025
- Date : 2025-11-13
43ᵉ Congrès de la Société Européenne de la Cataracte et de la Chirurgie Réfractive - ESCRS 2025
- Date : 2025-09-12