39 th Gastroenterology and Endotherapy European Workshop - GEEW

39 th Gastroenterology and Endotherapy European Workshop - GEEW

congress program

Location : Hybride - Bruxelles

Country : Belgium

Language : ENG

Start :

End :

Specialities : Gastroenterology And Hepatology

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 39th GEEW from June 19 to June 21, 2022, combining live demonstrations with a direct interaction between the participants, the moderators and the experts performing procedures. The meeting will be held at Brussels Expo, Auditorium 2000 and will also be streamed live. The meeting will start on Sunday, June 19, 2022 with “how I do it “ sessions focused on technical tricks from experts and with hands-on training sessions on various techniques (on special registration, seats being limited).

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