38 th Gastroenterology and Endotherapy European Workshop - GEEW 2021

38 th Gastroenterology and Endotherapy European Workshop - GEEW 2021

congress program

Location : Online

Country : Belgium

Language : ENG

Start :

End :

Specialities : Gastroenterology And Hepatology

The learning objectives of the course will be:
  1. Evaluation of established and most recent endoscopy techniques, assessing their clinical utility in a multidisciplinary setting
  2. Description of pre-therapeutic assessment and post-treatment follow-up, as well as pathology results review
  3. Detailed technical teaching of various procedures
  4. Providing scientific appraisal of technologies, evidence-based, with comparison with other approaches
  5. Recognition of the role of endoscopy in digestive diseases and its interaction with gastroenterology, surgery, oncology, radiology and transplantation
  6. Teaching on prevention and treatment of complications

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