13th Congress of General Medicine France (CMGF) 2019

congress program
Congress of General Medicine 2019: 13 years ...
Already 13 years that the College brings us together at the CMGF every year: beautiful wedding of lily of the valley!
More and more of us are participating in this gathering of the discipline. General medicine is a discipline
scientific and academic, with its specific content of training, research of clinical practice, and its scientific basis.
Who is in this congress? Substitute doctors, settled young people, academics,
researchers, pre-retirees, doctors invested in politics,
others in the training, but especially doctors invested for their patients;
Doctors practicing alone or in group practice, in health centers, houses or health centers, in homes
retirement, unscheduled care services, schools, associations ... All committed doctors!
More than ever, our congress is at the heart of the public debate and the challenges of the transformation of the health system ...
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