11th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology - EAN 2025

11th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology - EAN 2025

congress program


Location : Helsinki

Country : Finland

Language : ENG

Start :

End :

Specialities : Neurology

The Overarching Theme for the EAN Congress 2025 in Helsinki explores the multifaceted relationship between neurology and society.

Our theme covers a range of important topics such as the distinction between neurodegeneration and normal aging; economic challenges in European neurology; societal perceptions of neurological disorders; regional variations in neurological management; the impact of modern environmental changes on cognitive functions and dementia development; and the integration of neuroscience techniques into social sciences to address contemporary challenges in learning, economics, and societal emergencies.

​Combined, these topics comprise an Overarching Theme that offers insights into the connections between neurology, society, and environmental factors, spanning from the clinical intricacies of neurological disorders to the broader societal implications and the integration of neuroscience in addressing contemporary challenges. Also, it reflects the importance of brain health and of raising awareness among health care professionals on its connection to society.

This Overarching Theme will be the focus of many sessions to suit the interests of all neurologists, whether clinicians or scientists, general or specialised neurologists, from the younger to the more advanced generations.

Programme - ean.org

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