The American Thoracic Society International Conference ATS 2022

The American Thoracic Society International Conference ATS 2022

congress program

Location : San Francisco

Country : United States

Language : ENG

Start :

End :

Specialities : Pneumonology

Hosted by the American Thoracic Society, the Respiratory Innovation Summit 2022 will bring together innovators, investors, clinicians and advocacy groups leading the charge to create powerful new treatments for deadly and debilitating lung and airway diseases. The meeting historically attracts more than 200 global leaders representing all facets of the respiratory industry, including representatives from start-ups, business development, venture capital, government, academia and clinical medicine. For 2022, the priority areas are fibrosis, inflammation and COVID-19. Each area will include a panel of experts and five innovative companies in focused interactive sessions. The agenda also includes an executive panel, a business development panel and plenty of time for networking among the innovative company posters.

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