Pharma Awards Europe 2022

congress program
Location : London
Country : United Kingdom
Language : FR
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Specialities : General Medicine , Allergology And Immunology , Anesthesia And Intensive Care , Cardiology And Vascular Medicine , Stomatology , Dermatology And Venereology , Endocrinology And Metabolism , Geriatrics , Gynecology , Hematology , Gastroenterology And Hepatology , Internal Medicine , Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation , Urology-Nephrology , Neurology , Oncology , Ophthalmology , Otorhinolaryngology And Head And Neck Surgery , Pediatrics , Pharmacology And Toxicology , Pneumonology , Psychiatry , Rhumatology , Others , Surgery , Radiodiagnostics And Medical Imaging , Medical Genetics , Pharmacy , Medical Biology , Public Health And Social Medicine , Pathological Anatomy And Cytology , Dentistry , Paramedical , Neurosurgery , Occupational Medicine , Infectiology