Neuroscience Education Days (JESN) 2018

congress program
Location : Bordeaux
Country : France
Language : FR
Start :
End :
Specialities : Neurology
Since its creation, the structure ensures the annual organization of teaching days including courses, conferences, workshops, posters. These 3 and a half days of April, from Tuesday morning to Friday noon, have become for the 2500 delegates and partners "the unmissable rendezvous of French neurology". The success of these days is linked to the strong involvement of a local organizing committee, made up of neurologists from a city, a region or an inter-region, from almost all the learned societies appearing in the field of clinical neuroscience, but also the quality of the speakers, the general work atmosphere and friendliness where everyone likes to meet and share. This congress allows us to offer a subtle mix of developments essential to the development of our knowledge and scientific data, placed under the responsibility of the office of the French Society of Neurology, our closest partners.
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