55th ERA-EDTA Congress 2018
congress program
Location : Copenhagen
Country : France
Language : ENG
Start :
End :
Specialities : Urology-Nephrology
As in previous years, the ERA-EDTA programme is thematically organized in nine different tracks:
1) Fluids and electrolytes, tubular transport, renal physiology
2) Hereditary disorders, development, pregnancy, paediatric nephrology
3) Glomerular diseases and general clinical nephrology
4) CKD: pathophysiology, epidemiology, prevention, progression, aging
5) End stage renal disease, hemodialysis
6) Home therapies and peritoneal dialysis
7) Kidney transplantation and immunology
8) Hypertension, diabetes and vascular diseases
9) Acute kidney injury and intensive care nephrology
Important parts of the programme are the sessions dedicated to the recent clinical trials and observational studies with a special late abstract deadline. The main programme of the congress is preceded by the CME courses organized by the ERA-EDTA Working Groups (Immunonephrology WG, WGIKD, CKD-MBD, Descartes, Diabesity, European Renal Nutrition, EUDIAL, EURECA-m), by the ERA-EDTA endorsed working group EUTox and others. As usual, several symposia and educational courses are organized in collaboration with other European and international (not only renal) societies.
Selected conferences
7e édition du congrès de la Société Francophone de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation - SFNDT
- Date : 2023-10-03