24th Hauts-de-France IRSMS MedicoSport Congress 2019

congress program
Location : Lille
Country : France
Language : FR
Start :
End :
Specialities : Public Health And Social Medicine
Like every year, the Hauts-de-France Sports and Physical Activity Congress, organized by IRBMS and ARFORMES, will be open to doctors, physiotherapists, podiatrists, nutritionists and medico-sports educators.
Conduites à tenir devant des lésions isolées du ligament collatéral médial du genou

- Date : 2019-11-30
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Conduite à tenir devant une douleur au poignet après un traumatisme en hyper extension

- Date : 2019-11-30
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Selected conferences
International Conference On Public Health and Medical Science (ICPHAMS-2024) Doha, Qatar

- Date : 2024-11-24
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