18th International Arthritis and Chronic Inflammatory Rheumatism (AFP) 2018

congress program
Location : Paris
Country : France
Language : FR
Start :
End :
Specialities : Rhumatology
The 2018 arthritis and chronic rheumatism arthritis show was held in Paris on 12 and 13 October 2018. Nearly 2,500 visitors were able to benefit from reliable and quality information on the disease, treatments, research and the helpers at the conferences led by the greatest rheumatologists but also in the workshops of well-being and on the exhibition space.
Recherche dans les MICI La modulation du microbiote : probiotique/ transplantation fécale (3/3)

- Date : 2018-10-12
- 1
Recherche dans les MICI La modulation du microbiote : probiotique/ transplantation fécale (1/3)

- Date : 2018-10-12
- 0
Selected conferences
8ᵉ Congrès International sur les Controverses en Rhumatologie et Auto-immunité – CORA 2025

- Date : 2025-03-06
1829 0