12th day of the ACNRD 2017
congress program
Location : Paris
Country : France
Language : FR
Start :
End :
Specialities : Rhumatology
Context Because it comes back constantly, that it is generally moderate, assimilated to the price of the cure or the good diagnosis, the pain caused by the care is diminished, even denied by the caregivers. But it is also because it is daily, repeated, neglected that it is so badly experienced by patients. The technical means exist however, and they are mostly available. They can be mastered and passed on to colleagues and, of course, to younger ones. To discover each year, a day in October, dedicated to "Pain caused by care", designed and organized by the CNRD (National Center for Pain Control Resources). Objectives of the congress Identify and objectify the pain during certain acts. Target the priorities and justify the specific analgesia, or the particular organization of a care, for the benefit of the patient, the caregiver and their relationship. Find the place of an analgesic step without harming the effectiveness of the treatment. Look for practical and usable solutions: professionals imagine and develop solutions.
Comment les usagers peuvent-ils aider les professionnels à améliorer leurs pratiques ?
- Date : 2017-11-06
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