International Atopic Dermatitis Summit Seoul 2022 (IASS)

International Atopic Dermatitis Summit Seoul 2022 (IASS)

Programme du congrès

Lieu : Seoul

Pays : Corée du Sud

Langue : ENG

Date de début :

Date de fin :

Spécialités : Dermatologie Et Vénérologie

Title : International Atopic Dermatitis Summit Seoul 2022 Date : June 4 (Sat) – 5 (Sun), 2022 Time : 09:00-18:00 (KST) / 00:00-09:00 (UTC) Event type: online/offline Venue : 5F Grand Ballroom Baekdu, Seoul Dragon City Official Language : English Hosted by : The Korean Atopic Dermatitis Association Contact person for event: IASS secretariat +82-2-2038-7674 Event enquiries email ID: The Korean Atopic Dermatitis Association is planning to hold the International Atopic Dermatitis Summit Seoul 2022 (IASS 2022) to provide dermatologists and researchers in Korea and abroad a venue for intellectual connections and exchange. Many researchers around the world have worked hard to develop new treatments and cures for patients with intractable atopic dermatitis. As a result, several breakthrough medicines have been developed that are currently used in the field, significantly improving the patients’ quality of life. We’d like to ask for your interest and participation either in person or in the comfort of your home, as there have been a variety of research abstracts submitted that are worthy of further discussion as part of the academic program that has been prepared for you.

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