European Liquid Embolic Course - ELEC 2024

European Liquid Embolic Course - ELEC 2024

Programme du congrès

Lieu : Dijon

Pays : France

Langue : FR

Date de début :

Date de fin :

Spécialités : Radiodiagnostic Et Imagerie Médicale

Liquid embolization is currently used more and more by interventional radiologists, out of neuro embolization. High embolic efficiency and good clinical results are the main strengths of liquid embolic agents. That’s why, we have conceived ELEC, European Liquid Embolic Course, an annual event to support all IR willing to learn and develop this innovative techniques into their daily practice. Join a 3-day course, featured by educational live cases transmissions, case-based interactive discussions, tips&tricks from real life experience, hands-on sessions, short lectures and more to allow all participants to get the expertise that IR need in the management of liquid embolic agents.

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