Annuel Meeting of Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry - AMED 2020

Annuel Meeting of Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry  - AMED 2020

Programme du congrès

Lieu : Online

Pays : Etats-Unis

Langue : ENG

Date de début :

Date de fin :

Spécialités : Dentisterie

AMED’s 2020 meeting will be a multidisciplinary meeting marketed to ALL dentists and specialists, and not just microscope users. Our program will feature speakers from all over the world focused on better clinical outcomes in all disciplines from Oral Surgery to Restorative Dentistry.  The 2020 Clear Vision into The Future of Dentistry Meeting hosted by AMED will provide a great learning environment than ever before at an AMED meeting and your chance to become a CERTIFIED AMED Member and Microscope User.

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