Endovascular Cardiac Complications - ECC 2021

Endovascular Cardiac Complications - ECC 2021

Programme du congrès

Lieu : Online

Pays : Suisse

Langue : ENG

Date de début :

Date de fin :

Spécialités : Cardiologie Et Médecine Vasculaire

World teaching and medical events have suffered an unprecedented seism during 2020. The annual conference we have organized for the past 22 years with Amir Lerman, Michael Haude, Olivier Muller and Jack Tan and yours, was not spared. After this unforeseen hiatus we have chosen to pick up the pieces and restart this wonderful “Swiss” tradition since 1998: “Lausanne Complications Course”. That is why, as we’re reaching the end of 2020, we dare to hope and are excited to announce edition 14th on June 18-19, 2021. 2021 will be a turning point for ECC Lausanne !

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