52nd Annual Meeting of the French Society of Immunology

52nd Annual Meeting of the French Society of Immunology

Programme du congrès

Lieu : Nantes

Pays : France

Langue : FR

Date de début :

Date de fin :

Spécialités : Allergologie Et Immunologie

The meeting will be composed of 6 plenary sessions dealing with diverse themes of present and future immunology: Systems Immunology, Immunoregulation, Cancer Immunology, Innate Immunity, Immunometabolism and interactions between the Microbiote and the Immune System. It will furthermore include fifteen parallel sessions, in addition to workshops of existing and recently created Clubs of the French Society for Immunology: Germinal Centers Club, NeuroImmunology Club and Mast Cell/Basophil Club. A joint session has been scheduled with the German Society for Immunology (DGfI). A special session emphasizing medical immunology has been organized at the end of the meeting, followed by the Journée de la Fédération d’Immunologie on 15 November.
The involvement of young researchers in the organization of and participation in the meeting has been strongly encouraged. In addition, a plenary Young Immunologists session will enable promising young students and postdoctoral fellows to present their work whereas each session featuring oral communications selected from abstracts will be co-chaired by young immunologists. Finally, prizes for the best oral and poster presentations will be awarded at the end of the meeting.

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