4th Annual Anesthesia Update 2021

4th Annual Anesthesia Update 2021

Programme du congrès

Lieu : Michigan

Pays : Etats-Unis

Langue : ENG

Date de début :

Date de fin :

Spécialités : Anesthésie Réanimation

The 4th Annual Anesthesiology Update presents the latest updates at the forefront of anesthesiology that you can apply to your practice immediately. Topics include pre-operative preparation of the surgical patient, the patient with liver disease and lung transplant patients; obstetric analgesic techniques; care of the congenital heart patient in the operating room; care of the ambulatory patient in the chronic pain clinic; pharmacogenetics for anesthesia; and quality improvement techniques. Enjoy earning your CME credits with Mayo Clinic experts at a beautiful, family-oriented summer resort.

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