2nd FCS-EFC Advanced Colposcopy Course and the Satellite Meeting 2021

2nd FCS-EFC Advanced Colposcopy Course and the Satellite Meeting 2021

Programme du congrès

Lieu : Online

Pays : Finlande

Langue : ENG

Date de début :

Date de fin :

Spécialités : Gynécologie Et Obstétrique

We’re very sorry to inform you that due to the recent and ever worsening COVID-19 outbreak in Europe and the related traveling restrictions, the Advanced Colposcopy course and the Satellite Meeting are rescheduled from 7-8-9 May 2020 to a further date in 2021, in Helsinki.New dates for the 2nd FCS-EFC Advanced Colposcopy course are the 6th and 7th of May 2021 and for the 7th EFC Satellite Meeting the 8th of May 2021. We sincerely hope that you will be able and willing to attend also then.

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